Monday 17 September 2012

frizzy, busy, dizzy

I am giving myself the morning off before I work on a powerpoint presentation. So I shall spend it writing a blog entry. A blog entry, might I add, that I have to write all over again because my Internet is being a butt plug and did not autosave my previous writing attempts.

Pictured above are some of my practice sheets before I dove into an illustration project for work. I'm so glad that I apparently still know how to watercolor after all these months of not picking up a brush. Unfortunately I painted on the wrong type of paper, so my illustration did not end up as good as I hoped. At least next time I know better than to use cheap sketchbook paper for a watercoloring project.

While I was painting, I realized all the things that I also wanted to do. I want to practice guitar. I want to write. I want to reformat the layout of this blog. I need to study for my N5 JLPT exam. But damn, time is such a dream-blocker. Aside from lack of time, I'm also pretty tired whenever I get home from work. Instead of doing something productive, I'd rather browse through 9gag and stare at space. Sigh.

It's September and I am wayyyyy behind on all my new year goals. I wonder what I need to do to get me up and kicking again.

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