Sunday, 30 June 2013

May-hem! May-hem!

This morning I was sipping my morning coffee, contemplating life and thinking "Oh, I don't have much to do today..."

Today, June 30.

A.k.a. the very last day of June.

For some reason I panicked and thought of this blog and how I promised myself to write two entries this June about my monthly reads. Which was strange. seeing as I have the tendency to forgive myself and allow late entries as often as I can. But what the hey, I did say I didn't have much to do today, so I guess I better put the writing gears to use and write.

I didn't actually read a lot last May for some reason. Birthday blues, I guess. But at least I managed to read three books!

Monday, 24 June 2013

April Books!

Hello folks!

I know I mentioned here some time ago that I was going to have to write two entries for my April and May books. I guess I better begin now, since June is ending in a week! Can you believe that? I felt like June 1 was just yesterday, but now it's June 24.

Recently, I haven't had the time to write because I feel like I get sick every week. One week I was down with a bad allergy and the next week I had coughs that wouldn't stop. Whenever I get thoughts of updating, some random virus suddenly attacks. The weather's not helping my case as well. But now that I am relatively well, you are getting a post.

Also I mentioned forever ago that this blog was going to get an overhaul, but obviously that's going to have to go into the back burner. Wait until I get my life together.

Onwards to the books!

Monday, 10 June 2013

[book post] March-ing in my Monthly Reads

Lame pun! I'm sorry for that, I couldn't resist.

By the way, I wrote this entry WAY BACK MARCH and it is now *drum roll please* JUNE! Yay me! Hahaha. Well, an entry is an entry. That means I'm going to do double time for my April and May reads.

Anyway, March comes rolling around and I finished five books! What a miracle! I have just finished my 16th book, but by April last year I was only up to 10 books. I don't know why I'm reading so much. I guess this is what happens when your iPod gets stolen? I stopped playing so many games and just read, which admittedly is a lot more beneficial to my intellectual capacity and development.

I am, however, developing the unfortunate habit of buying new books and finishing them before I finish the books I've bought before. Some books I've bought years ago are still in my bookshelf collecting dust. Ugh. I do hope I get around to reading the books I've bought before instead of going out and buying more books.

That said, let's proceed to my March reads!

All summaries taken from Goodreads (except the last one which I took from Google Books because the GR one was nonsense).

Saturday, 1 June 2013

day 30 | my favorite book of all time. OF ALL TIME!

As consistent as always, I am late to the party! Yay me!

Well, I severely underestimated the work I had to put in for Thursday and Friday. I got home late both days and I was extra tired on Friday because I had to keep running up and down the stairs. BUT HEY. I guess it's finally time to end this book challenge!

Day 30 - Your favorite book of all time.

I believe I am justified in taking so long to write this entry. No I'm not. But it's just so fucking difficult thinking about your ALL-TIME favorite book! At this point in my life I have read up to quite possibly 300 books (not counting required reading and anthologies), and now I have to pick ONE? Just ONE?

All of the books I have read take up special places in my heart, some spaces more prominent than others but I love them all the same. So it's really hard for me to pick just one! It's like making someone choose their favorite child! So I think I'll write about the book that started it all: