Sunday, 30 September 2012

I am a directionless twenty-something

The hell have I been doing with my life??

This kid is twelve years old and he's already programming in multiple languages. I'm a decade older and I'm still struggling with HTML.

When I get a kid in the future, I'm giving him/her a programming kit instead of toys.

Saturday, 29 September 2012


My work desk is a giant mess, and so is my head.

This is the first day in the entire week that I've had a opportunity to take work easy. Everyone's been so frazzled for an upcoming event, me not excluded. There's been so much work piled up on everyone that I found myself multiple times stopping mid-step and recalling what task I was about to do.

It got so bad at one point that I told my colleague, "I forgot how to spell 'Lualhati.'"

And yesterday, I forgot the shortcut key for moving an element to the bottom in Corel Draw (Shift + Page Down). It's a command I've been using since the beginning of time, and I completely forgot it!

If that's not sabog, I don't know what is.

I'm so disappointed that I don't get to update this blog as much as I want to, despite my new blog-more advocacy. I got even more disappointed in myself while looking over the blogs of two 13 year old girls, who are honestly pretty good (except I forgot their URLS haha). Good content, nice photos, thematic. I wish I could do that for this blog.

Unfortunately, I am very much lacking in two important things: time and resources. I cannot concentrate on a full-blown bongga blog post when I'm worrying about my tasks as I type. Also, I have the shittiest camera in the world and a scanner that doesn't want to cooperate, hence the lack of illustrations/photos and a giant wall of text. Unlike these girls who have DSLRs and iPhones (medyo bitter ako) and only school to worry about. I'm not making "school" seem miniscule; I'm just saying they don't worry about bills and traveling and work. Why am I being defensive about this anyway haha.

This entry has been adequately random. It is now the end of my lunch break and I must now go back to fixing the mess in my desk (and hopefully my head).

Monday, 24 September 2012

It's a layouting kind of day.

NEW BLOG LAYOUT! It's definitely not 100% done, I'm gonna have to make my own background image and hopefully paint my own header image. Anybody who knows me knows that I hate using other people's resources in my blogs/web domains. But I don't have the resources right now, so I shall leave the owl and the background image alone for a while.

You'd think I'd be tired of coding HTML and CSS after an entire week of making a website for work, but I guess this is my own form of masochism. At least I'm getting something done!

After the cut is a post from the weekend, written on my cellphone because I was bored as heck on the bus ride home.

Monday, 17 September 2012

frizzy, busy, dizzy

I am giving myself the morning off before I work on a powerpoint presentation. So I shall spend it writing a blog entry. A blog entry, might I add, that I have to write all over again because my Internet is being a butt plug and did not autosave my previous writing attempts.

Pictured above are some of my practice sheets before I dove into an illustration project for work. I'm so glad that I apparently still know how to watercolor after all these months of not picking up a brush. Unfortunately I painted on the wrong type of paper, so my illustration did not end up as good as I hoped. At least next time I know better than to use cheap sketchbook paper for a watercoloring project.

While I was painting, I realized all the things that I also wanted to do. I want to practice guitar. I want to write. I want to reformat the layout of this blog. I need to study for my N5 JLPT exam. But damn, time is such a dream-blocker. Aside from lack of time, I'm also pretty tired whenever I get home from work. Instead of doing something productive, I'd rather browse through 9gag and stare at space. Sigh.

It's September and I am wayyyyy behind on all my new year goals. I wonder what I need to do to get me up and kicking again.